It seems that Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, GChat, and other online social media sites have become ingrained, even necessary, in our daily lives. Most of us think that these applications are beneficial to society, allowing us to connect with others in ways that were never previously possible. With globalization continuing and not looking like it will slow down anytime soon, social media links the villages and cities of the world together in no time at all.
While all those above reasons are certainly wonderful and limitless, they do come at a price.
What ever happened to privacy? Personal down time? The right to take a breather and relax? The ability to disconnect from all things technology? What ever happened to slowing down????
I am guilty probably just as much as the next person, me and my addiction to my devices and websites and social media applications, etc. But at the same time, I am very aware and careful not to use them too much so as to lose that important real genuine connection to the 'real world'. Living in social media isn't exactly living at all, is it? Your conversations and interactions online don't hold enough of a physical presence as much as real live face-to-face conversations. There is much to be said for the reactions you see, the emotions you can detect, the gestures shown. The internet and social media just do not offer those very unique and sincere benefits of conversation. You need to slow down and take your time to have a meaningful conversation.
So please, again, put down those devices, those iPads and iPhones, those tablets and computers, those PDAs and Palm Pilots (do people still have those??), and take a moment to chill out! Stop moving at the speed of sound and look into the eyes of the person you're talking to - it will provide so much more and reconnect you with those basic principles of interaction and meaning.
Slow down, take a second, talk to people, not at your technologies!
That is all. :)