What I really want to get from all of this, since it's been talked about more than enough and no one needs additional sadness or anger in their lives, is the notion that life is most definitely short. And unpredictable. Guns, in my opinion, are a thing of the past, when the Constitution was written by citizens for citizens worried about the next war, about protecting their families when times were different and militias were more common than jobs in business or public relations. Unfortunately, we are no longer in that world. I do believe in having guns for the purposes of hunting and for war (however awful as that still is that we have them in this day and age), but for the everyday common occurrence, we simply cannot let this continue. The NRA and lawmakers must pass a bill into law making it mandatory to ban all assault weapons and become more rigorous and strict with their restrictions on gun ownership and background checks. This is where I believe everyone can begin to heal, having some hope that the world can be a better place.
I want to take a moment to pray for those angels now connected to their God in heaven, and also a moment to think of the families and other lives affected by this tragic incident...
If you think about it, the Mayans predicted that the calendar would end, that Armageddon would be upon us, that the world would shift into a new age of thought and enlightenment...
Don't you think we're already there????
It seems odd I know, but if you can see that their ideas of the human race advancing into a different era of thought, of broadening our horizons, of connecting on other levels unbeknownst to them centuries ago, of learning from one another, of being in a world that is dangerous and scary and tragic and sad and awful - have already arrived...you might be surprised, but I think the Mayans were right. We are in another time altogether.
Gas prices are out of control, guns are slowly killing our children, the climate is completely out of whack, we're losing arctic ice and sea levels are rising, global economies are in turmoil, wars are still raging everywhere from Afghanistan to Mexico, social media has begun to mean more than a simple human face-to-face interaction, and countless other issues and happenings...think about it! We're facing a new era, the dawn of a new age - I just hope that maybe we can all learn something from our mistakes, good and bad, and learn to appreciate one another, and if we can't agree, then appreciate the beauty of compromise and respect.
Put down your weapons, your hurtful words, your evil pride, and give back something to the other side.
Appreciate, respect, learn, love, smile, speak, cherish, protect, and comfort.
Do what's best for humanity and the world, not just yourself.
Let's enter this new age of enlightenment together, peacefully, without hurt and tears, but with love and affection. Patience and thoughtfulness.
Peace at last, peace at last - let's have peace on Earth at last.