Tuesday, December 10, 2013

There is Nothing You Can't Do

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the long hiatus! Things got crazy after I got a job last year! Yay! I started working at a local college in Boston in Admissions and love it. Definitely something new and exactly what I was looking for, and I was excited for the change!

Now after working there for 1 year, and getting ENGAGED finally!, and starting my first Master's in Education graduate class, and putting all my demons behind me, I feel like I am finally at a point where I am not controlled by anyone or anything or any ideal that isn't worth it. I keep thinking - I must be healthy and happy so I can be the best person I can be, and make others realize they are worth the happiness too.

Something changed this year for me - something I can't exactly explain, or put into words, which is hard for me normally since words are kinda my thing...But I know that something finally CLICKED with me...

I learned I am worth it
I learned life is not and should never be that stressful
I learned that it is absolutely okay, in fact necessary, to laugh and enjoy the day
I learned that things will happen in due time, you just must be patient
I learned that you must act kindly to others, for who knows what sort(s) of demons they struggle with
I learned sass is a good thing to have :) 
I learned there is nothing I can't do!

Stay strong always, stay open, stay happy, and stay focused. You will get to where you want to be if you believe enough, if you pray enough, if you seek help enough, and if you try as hard as you possibly can.

Never give up, because there is nothing, I mean nothing!, you can't do.

Stay strong, and carry on!

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