Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Early Morning Hours

It's early morning, just after midnight, and this tends to be the time when I get my creative juices flowing, so here's another gift from sleeplessness:

Early Morning Hours

Nighttime falls and darkness begins
Like an infant with a blanket
It covers the earth, drawing us to sleep
Beckoning us to our beds
Nodding its confirmation
To another day's end.

The early morning hours begin
Letting our minds and bodies rest
From the previous day's toils.
Our trials, tribulations, joys and laughs
Close their chapters to begin anew.

The hours float on by
A string of dreams flies along
Flowing through the air
Rising and falling like ocean tides
Never settling, just moving
Constantly and freely
Like bubbles hovering in the sky
Twinkling in the night.

The hours appear blue, black and white
Colors of sky and ocean and nothingness.
White cascades over us
Angels watching from above
Sitting on top of puffs of clouds
Like whipped frosting and cream
Colors of goodness and innocence.

The morning begins to fade,
Darkness with it,
Dawn arrives in style
An entrance ever so bright
The sun makes its first appearance 
Carrying a cape of yellow
Dragging in its wake.

Awake, awake 
For another day begins.