Wednesday, June 7, 2017

I Remember...

Hi all,

Long time no see! I've been pretty hectic with life (who isn't?), and recently decided to start pursuing more of my writing for me. Side note - please everyone let's take more time to dedicate to ourselves and our true passions - it's so important!

Anyway, I digress...

Below is something I wrote as part of a writer's workshop for Grub Street, a writer's organization based in Boston:

I remember the way the water dripped - slowly, methodical, heavy. I remember the metallic smell of the dirty faucet, the way it reeked of stainless steel and years of grimy inmates before me. I remember taking mental and visual stock of the cell when I entered this new life of mine, visualizing the very clear and segmented versions of my 'old' life with this 'new' life. I remember the old days with this tangible sense of renewed clarity - as clear and as final as death. I remember that feeling of despair - utter, complete, final, freeing.

I wrote this thinking about a novel I'm trying to finish and thought it would work better than the current start/beginning I have now. I would appreciate feedback of any kind - thank you for reading!
