Monday, July 15, 2013

Life's Balancing Act: The Power of a Friendly Ear

Recently I had a friend who reached out to me in trouble. Not exactly life-in-dire-straits kind of trouble, just your normal, everyday trials and tribulations that we all experience in this great experiment called life.

It occurred to me that everyone, absolutely everyone, is not without a problem or two. Life has become filled with more tasks, more details, more products, more more more! That being said, I feel as though the media portrays life as perfect, always in balance, happy, positive, something that cannot be in any way imperfect. That is SO not the case.

My friend is going through a rough patch/eye-opening time in her life, and I thought, wow, what a perfect time to talk about this now. I have been having my own issues for years, and haven't until recently felt free (or freer) from them. Talking to her about them made me feel so much better - relieved not because my problems are gone (I don't think they ever will be), but relieved because I now know that they're not unique to just me, I'm not alone in the world, I have friends that I can rely on, and my issues are so much better managed with the power of a friendly ear.

It's taken me years to see this, but now that I have, acceptance and management is not far off now. I can envision a future less dark, less scary, less alone. At the very least, I can now talk out how I feel instead of bottle it up inside so it gets worse. That's when the real trouble happens.

I feel guilty rereading this and realizing I have been talking all about my problems, myself. Case in point - talk to others - get to know them on a deeper level - don't be afraid to reach out - don't be afraid to simply listen - don't be afraid to lend help in tough times - everyone is together in their individual struggles.

Chances are, you are not alone in your problems. You likely (99%) share issues. We're individuals, but not all that unique. Similar issues happen more often than you might think. Humans are universal in that way - we are human beings with different personalities, interests, problems, but we also share these characteristics and feelings with others. Maybe not everyone or even most people, but someone out there has done, felt, expressed, or suffered just the same as you.

On that note, here is something interesting and fun:

This website discusses something in numerology called the 'life path number.' It uses our birthdays to assess the type of person we are. And guess what, we most definitely share these characteristics with others, even celebrities who seem perfect! It gives us the hope that we are not alone and can sleep better knowing we're loved, cared for, understood and respected. Maybe not all day everyday, but at least we're in good company.

Keep calm everyone, and carry on :)